We got in some houses and taught a bunch more lessons this week, Nancy came to church, I don't think I will visit any of my old sectors I don't like good byes. So I am just going to come home. I might visit Hualqui. Other than that I am just planning on visiting you guys in a couple of weeks.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
10/10 & 17/2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Mission News 9/19/2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Cody's News 9/12/2011
Things are good Natacha got confirmed this Sunday, so that was awesome! We had a good week, but difficult we worked hard and found some people but they are not that good so we are still in the works of getting everything to work, we had to drop some investigators this week that has been hard because you get so excited for the person when they start to progress and then they stop so that was a bummer, but we are excited to see what the future holds for us. We are going to have a conference this week with the area seventy and then on Saturday we are going to have a ward activity for the 18th of September, and it is going to start at 10 in the morning and go until 8-9 at night. This week we are going to eat lunch with Oscars mom and I'm pretty excited about it because she got reactivated because we taught her son and his family, so that will be pretty cool.
Elder Moss
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Cody's News 9/5/2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Cody's News 8/29/2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Cody's News 8/22/2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Cody's News 8/15/2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Cody's News 8/8/2011
Hey well things went well this week, we are teaching a family of 9 people and we have yet to determine if 5 or 6 of their kids are baptizable plus we have like 5 other good people that we are teaching so we are just happy campers here. My birthday went well a lot more people remembered this year than last year:). And I have been eating lots and lots of cake, not as good as my Moms of course! But hey it will have to do until I can get my hands on moms chocolate chocolate and her strawberry shortcake or what ever that is that is super yummy. So we are thinking that Natacha is finally going to get baptized but the lame thing is, that she is leaving and going to come back in September. Then she is going to get baptized. The family of 9 are nice and we are going to visit them on Tuesday, and we are also teaching some other people last night we found a girl named Natalia and she is going to come to church on Sunday, and we are going to visit her tomorrow. Today are cambios but there is no change with Elder Relyea and I we are going to keep working and we are hoping to have great success together and then when he gets back it will be great to be able to talk with him about our converts together. well only 12 weeks left and I'm sleeping in my own bed :) yay!!! I have been thinking about some goals of things that I want to accomplish in the next year of my life. Like read the book of mormon 3 times, get accepted and study honors at brigham young, have $10,000 in my Scottrade account (or better said double 5,000 in a year.), have a girlfriend, and get into shape (that one i can't really set some real goals on that until i can get Roy's calipers on my fat again, and get some weights to work out with.)
Elder Moss
Amber's News 8/8/2011
Cody's News 8/1/2011
Things down here are decent but we are not having much progress with our investigators but we are working on getting them in church and on the road to repentance and baptism. We are happy as a couple of clams. Today we are going to eat some completos for lunch and then we are going to nap a bunch and those are the plans for the day. and for my Birthday we are going to buy a cake and then just work you know the normal routine. So that is what we are up to. Have a great week.
Love, Elder Moss
Amber's News 7/19/2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Amber's News 7/11/2011
We just finished visiting my converts. We went to Lampa and to Quilicura it was really great and now we are back in our sector to start our week again. I started getting a little sick yesterday. I have a little bit of a sore throat and am really tired but I will be ok it's not too bad. I'm doing really good it has been kinda hard to say good bye to everyone but I'm ready to see you all again.
Cody's News 7/11/2011
Well today we cleaned the house, we went shopping and we ate some chorrianas they were yummy!! I enjoyed it, we baptized on Saturday, Patricia, Oscar and Sofia they want to go to the temple in a year and so I want to go to and see them get sealed as a family. You and Dad can come to. That was great we ate some carrot cake after the baptism with them. We are also teaching Natasha and she is really close to getting baptized this week, if not this week I think at least in this month. We are working on finding new people as always and we are also teaching Natasha's sister and the sisters boyfriend. So that is good they just need to get married because they are living together and then they could get baptized. There are also 2 girls that members have been bringing to church for a while now and they want to get baptized but they need permission for us to teach them. As soon as the mom lets us in to the house though they´ll get baptized. Elder Relyea and I have the goal of baptizing another 12 people in our time together so that is what we are after, we have around 5 people in our sights that have a decent possibility of getting baptized soon. That is great that you were able to spend some time with the Klassens, the senior couple in our mission are Clawson so thats funny you say it the same but it's different.
Elder Cody Moss
Friday, July 8, 2011
Amber's News 7/4/2011
The count down is on and the e-mails are getting shorter. :)
We found two really great girls this week that went to church with us and are really, really excited to be baptized. Their date is for the 31st.
Hmna Hadlock is doing really good. We are great friends. I think she is kinda bummed about sending me home. She sent her last comp home too. So I think that is kinda hard.
Love, Amber
Cody's News 7/4/2011
Hi, my comp is Elder Colby Relyea from Mapleton Utah of all places, so I can just imagine you and his mom becoming best friends now. His Aunt and Uncle are Amber and Wade Hanks and he dated Bre Nielson, ( all of whom are our neighbors) so we have a bunch in common to talk about. It is freezing here. We are having the baptisms this Saturday and the Confirmations this Sunday. At 1 today we are going to eat barbeque for the 4th of July. Down here when they celebrate Independence day of Chile, September 18, they go crazy and have like 3 days off of work and all that stuff. They really go crazy.
Have a great week!
Elder Moss
Monday, June 27, 2011
Cody's News 6/27/2011
¿ como estas?Well things went really well this week we are going to have 3 baptisms on Sunday and also transfers came in Elder Huerta is leaving and I'm going to train so the first thing I want my new comp to do is dress up in white and baptize his first Sunday. That would be awesome wouldn't it? I don't know where my new companion is and they also told me that he might be coming down in bus from Santiago because of a volcano eruption so that is kind lame for him. ya so Patricia and kids are awesome the other day they made us pizza and this Sunday after their baptisms we are going to eat lunch at their house. Natacha is great we met her family and we hope to be abel to start teaching her sister and brother in law and also her mom. they all came to church and liked it again. So things are progressing a lot. My district is good they have changed it again now I'm district leader over a different sector and I'm now district leader over the sisters. My responsibilities as district leader are to take care physically of the missionaries and also to do baptismal interviews also I teach them skills for proselyting and teaching and all that fun stuff. So I do that and I also make sure that they are working effectively as missionaries. Wow that is insane that Amber is so close to being home she has to be trunky!
Love,Elder Moss
Amber's News 6/27/2011
Ok I will be leaving Chile the 18th of July I think my plan leaves at like 7:40 pm or something and then we go to Georgia and then we go to Utah. So I will be traveling for a long time. If I'm as tired as when I got to chile I think I will be dead when I see you all. I am going to visit my converts the 11th of July. I don't think that I will be e-mailing you all the 18. My last day e-mailing will be the 11th. I will probably have lots of time because Hermana Hadlock wants to e-mail. So after today u only have to email me 2 more times. Being at church at 8:00 shouldn't be to bad especially if I'm still used to Chile time. Cuz right now I'm waking up at 5:30 your time and some times at 4:30.( I told her she reports to the High council at 8:00 am the day of her home coming.)The week was good Vitalia received the Holy Ghost she has been doing really good. I'm really going to miss her a lot she is my favorite. She told me the other day that she was going to miss me and that when I left she wasn't going to go to church anymore. That broke my heart but I told her that she still had to go to church because it wasn't my church it was Gods church and that we need to do what he says. That little lady is so funny. I'm trying to keep going strong honestly I never thought it would be so hard in the end but I'm working and praying a lot. We are doing good. The hardest part is that we baptized everyone we found and so now we are looking again but it's freezing out side so lots of people go to bed at 7 or eight. And they get home just a little bit before. We just need to rely more on God and believe that he can lead us to the people that are prepared.
Talk to u next week love Hermana Moss
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Cody's News 6/20/2011
Amber's News 6/20/2011
The next day was Saturday and it was just as cold and it was....raining. We went to Vitalias with our umbrellas and I was in my rain boots. We had to take her to the church for her baptismal interview. We got to her apartment building and we were outside the fence and we called her and she answered. I said hey Vitalia we are here how are u. She said bad it is raining and that she wasn't going to go with us. She wouldn't even open the gate because it was raining. Then she hung up on me. So I called her back she said she had opened the gate but it wasn't really opened. Other people that live in those apartments let us in. So we went up to her room and she let us in. She said she couldn't go out because she would get wet. So we showed her our umbrellas and told her that we would help her. She was worried about her slippers getting wet. As we waited for a taxi she said it looks like Heavenly Father doesn't want me to be baptized but I said no someone else doesn't want u to be baptized but God sent us to help u get baptized. We waved down a taxi and made it to the church and she past her interview. We took her back to her house in the taxi.
The next day it was warmer outside and it wasn't raining. A member picked Vitalia up in his car so she made it to church. In Sunday school Vitalia told me that she was really nervous and that she wanted to go home. So I talked to her for a little bit and then she felt better and was ok to stay and be baptized. Then I gave the relief society lesson because the teacher didn't show up. I read the chapter in like 7 mins and then gave a 40 minute lesson. I think it went pretty well. Then after we had Vitalia change and then we had her baptized. It was really great and nice. Elder Forbush told her to plug her nose and then she went down and came back up. Then Sister Andrea helped her change and then we all helped her to blow dry her hair and we finish the baptism. Later in the night Vitalia was so happy. haha She told us that Elder Forbush dunked her. Later Elder Forbush told us that she floats so he had to get her in there haha. But Vitialia said she took in a little bit of water in her mouth and she was worried but I told her it was church water so she would be ok and she was fine with that. We asked her how she was and she said she was good and said it is weird because I"m always angry. I'm not angry or rude. She said that when people would call and ask how she was she would said. How am I supposed to be. (I can testify sometimes I would call her and ask her how she was and she would say bad, terrible) It was amazing she was so happy and was laughing a ton. But she said that felt really really good and that she was really glad that she got baptized. She told us that before she met us she was really bad off that she was really lonely and angry and that now she was happy and peaceful. I told her that now she had a testimony of the changes that the gospel gives us. It was really neat. She prayed at the end. She thanked God that she met us, that she was baptized. She asked that one day she would be able to see so she could read The Book of Mormon. It was so beautifull to see these changes in Vitailia and to see her desires to be baptized and to know that these things are true. I love Vitalia so much and am so happy for her.
I love u all have a great week
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Cody's News 6/13/2011
Things went well this week and we are working hard, Elder Huerta and I are are getting along just swell. It's kinda cold to tell the truth. We made another fire pit last night but we didn't cook or burn anything this time... last week was just bad memories for Elder Huerta but this week nothing, hey so things are good, I'm working away at being district leader, we are doing good we have a family that we are teaching, a less active brother, his wife and 3 kids. We are hopeing to be albe to get 4 baptisms from that house next month. Also we have a few other people around there. But Oscar and his family are our priority to get going to church and baptized. We are hopeing for a miracle! It is super crazy that Amber has only 6 weeks left!!! and when she goes home I have a little under 4 months left. Wow time passes really fast! So being district leader is ok I have done some interviews recently and they are interesting experiences, I always remember my interview with Bishop Stonehawker when I was 8, while I am doing the interviews.love, hugs, and kisses,Elder Moss
Amber's News 6/13/2011
We started working with a mom and a son. They are named Sandra y Juan. They accepted a date to be baptized but didn't go to church :(
Same with Ivana ahh this woman is awesome but didn't go to church. We are working with them to go this next
week. This week we are focusing on finding people to teach.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Cody's News 6/6/2011
Hey there !!!!!
Well hope everything is going good up there. Not this last Sunday but the Sunday before last, this guy named Jose he got baptized and then he showed up to church late so he hasn't gotten confirmed yet and next week is stake conference so that is going to make it even harder to get him confirmed but that is what we have to do wait 2 more weeks he is really great we did like a co-op thing with my district because his fiancee is a new convert in La Florida and he lives in my sector Jardin Del Valle, so they taught him some and we taught him some and he assists church with his fiancee and so he is really awesome. wow can you believe that it has been a month since Mothers day? Time is flying like Amber's jet home. But hey don't worry about a thing we are working hard and enjoying life here. Last night Elder Huerta and I burned some pictures of his ex girlfriend so we can get past her and that was entertaining we made hot dogs over the fire and put mayo and jalapeño peppers on the dogs. They were tasty and I enjoyed them, Ya Jardin Del Valle is right next door to La Florida and so I have seen a bunch of the members from that ward its been great to seem them again. And every one says that I talk a lot better now so that is great! love you,
Elder Cody Moss
Amber's News 6/6/2011

I am doing really good. I am with the Hermana Hadlock. Yesterday we had a baptism for Roxana it was really special. Roxana was so happy after she came out of the water that she gave me and Hna Hadlock a big hug while she was all wet!!! We talked to her after and she said that she felt so much joy being baptized. She told us she had thought a lot about how it was going to be and when it happened it was more than she thought. She said she was so happy and glad that she did it. We were of course really happy for her and we are so happy that she is already so strong and understands everything so well. She said that she loved getting up early Sundays to go to church. Her friend said why are u getting up? Go back to bed and Roxana was thinking why are you not getting up and getting ready. Her friend is from another church. Roxana said that before she would go to other churches later in the day but she never went and didn't really want to. But with our church in the morning she wakes up and is excited to go. She said for her baptism that she felt the need to be baptized. That she just felt that it was a necessary. And when she did it she felt relief and felt so happy.
Vitalia didn't go to church. She got sick last Tuesday and felt terrible. Finally Thursday she said that we could come by with the Elders to give her a blessing. We went and gave it lol she didn't want to pick who did the first part and who did the second so she asked me to pick for her. I think she was kinda scared of the Elders but she has a lot of confidence in me. The next day I called her and she said she felt great. She still had a cough but felt a lot better. She asked what it was called and I was like oh they are called Elders and she no and I said oh the are called Elder Forbush and Elder Vega and then she was like no what was it called the thing they did and I said oh a blessing of health. She said oh yeah that did me so good. So now she has a testimony of the priesthood.
We found another woman named Ivana she is really great she has a lot of questions but really wants a change in her life. We found her and started talking in the park and she started crying and so we set up another appointment to visit her in her house. She said she was going to go to church with us but she wasn't there when we went by. So we are going to keep working with her.
That was basically what happened this week.
Love u tonz
Hna Moss
Friday, June 3, 2011
Cody's News 5/29/2011
Elder Cody Moss
Amber's News 5/29/2011
This week was really good we had a ton of things going. We found 7 new people. All together we taught 18 lessons. We had 3 people in church. Roxana is soo excited for her baptism this week. We are also so excited it will be Hna Hadlocks first baptism. Roxana wow she is just amazing. We love her so much and are so excited. She is a single mom and does so much. She lives with her friend and takes care of her friends daughter and she takes care of the friends dog then she has her own son that is 7 months. She is also working. So when we went to church her son Franco strarted to be fussy and our Lider Misional turned around and took Franco and him and his wife played with the baby. I was so happy that other people were helping her and that she could have a little break and listen and be at peace in church. Ahh I felt so happy that I almost started crying.
We also had Vitalia with us in church. Our little grandma oh she is amazing during the week she told us how she was going to make lunch Saturday so it would be all ready for Sunday and she wouldn't have to worry about it at church. Before we had gone to church I called Vitalia at to see how she was because she is so worried that she wont get up and will miss church. She answered the phone and told me that she was waiting for us to come by. She then asked me what time it was and I told that it was only 8:30 so she could take a nap for an hour. She said oh thats why I'm so tired she said she had got up at 7:00 and had been waiting for us. I told her I would call her at 9:30 to wake her up becuase she is kinda blind and can't see the time. So she got to church on time and loved it. We showed Roxana and Vitalia the font and they felt a little better. Vitalia later told me that she thought it was in a big pool with lots of water. She also worried that she would get phenomena and I told her the water would be warm so she didn't need to worry about it. Then she told us that after church she was talking to her son that is like 30 and she called him Brother Patricio and he was like why did u call me that and she said thats what they do at church. lol I had a good laugh when I heard that. They both said that they were excited for their baptisms so we are pretty happy!!
Well We had a great week it just flew by.
I love u tonz,
Hna Moss
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Amber's News 5/23/2011
We taught Vitalia she is a little grandma and is 79. She can't really see and it really frustrates her that she can't read in the Book of Mormon. But we read to her from it. She has a cat that always bothers us when we are teaching her. His name is Pepe but she changed it last night to Barnabas. She did that because she was really mad at him but she is always yelling at this cat. Vitatlia went to church with us yesterday and she loved it. She said that she was excited to go back to church next week. We were talking to her earlier in the week and she said she had to go to the doctors and that she had to wait all day there so she was going to take the Book of Mormon even though she couldn't read it and she was going to open it up so everyone could see that it said Mormon. Because everyone else there reads dirty magazines she told us lol oh man it was funny.
So our experience yesterday was pretty funny. We were with our investigators Lady and Cristai. They are from Columbia they are black and gangster lol they talk like the gangsters in english but it is Spanish. We sang and then I'm praying and in the middle of the prayer Cristai's phone goes off and she answers is and is like hey pretty, my queen whats going on? Hey I gotta go cuz their preach en the word. Bye pretty. It was so hard to keep praying while all that was going on but then we taught them and invited them to read and pray when we gave Lady her Book of Mormon she kissed it. When we had gotten to their house we were waiting and two other people came up and were also waiting to go in and so they finally opened the door and let them in and the guy recognized us from our first visit and he was like oh sisters come in. And the girls that had been waiting in front of us looked at us and then back at him and said they arn't our sisters. lol it was so funny.
Roxana is doing good she didn't go to church with us :( she was in the south still she is back now. We missed here a lot this week. We taught the plan of salvation yesterday and she loved it. We are excited for her and are glad she is back. She loves everything that we are teaching. She is a really great woman. We are going to work this week on getting her to church.
Until next week
Cody's News 5/23/2011
Things are good we though we were going to see some good stuff happen this week but that didnt happen. My new comp is Elder Huerta he is from San Antonio Texas. He is are great kid, we are working it up but we have had a few unexpected problems come up of people not wanting to get married AHHH! darn Chileans cannot understand that the Lord will bless them tons if they were to just sign a paper! But even when we explain they don't understand. Well they all need to get married but they don't really want to right now..... but I'm feeling great no I haven't felt like I have had any colds, and it was raining this week but the rain stopped yesterday. Things are going good we are working on finding people like always and we had a few people come to church yesterday and they told us that they were going to get married but now it seems like they have changed their mind so we are going to find out about that tonight. I'm district leader over one other sector. My first sector so that is pretty crazy is it not?love youstay strong,Elder Cody Moss
Friday, May 20, 2011
Amber's News 5/16/2011
This week we had a lot success we have been teaching Roxana she is awesome and she is accepting everything. She was going to go to church but her son Franco was sick and he is a little baby so she couldn't leave the house. ah Roxana is really great. She said this last week that she likes what we are teaching. It really stays with her and helps her. I asked her last night if she could feel a difference in her life and she told me that she could feel a difference and that she feel more peace and that she could handle things with more calmness and she feels really good. She is awesome she talked with elders about ten years ago in Concepcion and now she is going to be baptized the 5th of June. I'm so excited for her. Hna Hadlock and I are doing good. The Hadlock is awesome. She is a really hard worker and she talks with everyone. I love our contacts because we are both so excited when we do them and we really listen to people. All of our success has come from contacts. I think that the people are so surprised at how nice, happy and caring we are. We had one contact tell us that she just felt really good with us. One of our investigators talked about how she never lets people come in and we talked with her in the street and she felt that she should give us her address so she gave it to us. Then her sister was asking how she could let us in but she said that she felt really good and wanted to learn. The weeks are just flying by right now. Hna Hadlock and I have been so busy.
I'm thinking that I give my talk the week that I get home then we can go on vacaction!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Cody's News 5/16/2011
Elder Cody Moss
Friday, May 13, 2011
Cody's News 5/9/2011
Amber's News 5/9/2011
I forgot to tell u all yesterday about Catherine oh she is awesome the first time that we taught her after she had told us that when we sang and prayed she got the shivers and felt something different. We invited her to pray and when we came back she said that she had felt and warmth in her chest. Oh that is my favorite thing I get to hear on the mission when people have felt what I have felt.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Cody's News 5/2/2011
Amber's News 5/2/2011
Hermana Moss
Chile Santiago North Mission
Forestal 2680
Pisc 3, Oficina 32, Casilla #18
Conchali, Region Metropolitana
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Cody's News 4/25/2011
Amber's News 4/25/2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Cody's News 4/18/2011
Amber's News 4/18/2011
Andes but we got stuck there. Now we are back but I don't have time
to write. Tell everyone I love them and that I will right next week. We
have cambios and hopefully I change sectors we will see.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Amber's News 4/11/2011
Cody's News 4/11/2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Amber's News 4/4/2011
We have a few people that we are working with. I have been learning a lot about teaching with the spirit and teaching people that the way they get revelation is through praying. When U have a habit of prayer U come closer to God and it is easier for you to recognize answers. Though reading we also receive revelation and when we go to church. Because we hear the words of the prophets in both of these. It has really helped my investigators a lot and it has really strengthened my testimony. Plus they will have their own testimonies an they will know how to endure to the end.
Well I'm doing really well and I'm excited to talk to u all in a few weeks and then I will be seeing U all in a few weeks it is pretty crazy.
Cody's News 4/4/2011
Hey guys so not much has happened recently .... We had cambios today so I will be getting my new companion Elder Catucuago (I think thats how you spell his name.) He is from Ecuador I belive so that will be good. Our one lady that we were teaching went out on vacation this last week and we haven't been able to get to her to teach her at all. We will find her this week. All those talks about getting married were pretty interesting.. The good thing is that I'm exempt for another 7 months. I liked the talk that talked about our desires and also the one by President Ucdorf when he talked about living up to the blessings that we have and can receive. I liked when he talked about the guy that went on a cruze and ate beans and on the last day learned that it was all inclusive.
Elder Cody Moss
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Cody's News 3/28/2011
Elder Cody Moss
Amber's News 3/28/2011
We found an old folks home in our sector there are like a million old ladies and 3 people that help them. It is really sad. So we visited them and sang a few songs. We have four little grandma friends there. I feel so bad for them because they live in horrible conditions.
This morning I was studying about how to teach people and not lessons. So we are trying to focus on the needs of our investigators and not just what we want to teach them. It was really interesting. It talked about following the spirit it talked about asking questions listening, discerning their needs and then teaching them according to that. Lately I have been learning how to do that correctly. It is really interesting. Lately by asking these questions I can see their doubts and what they don't believe then I can focus on that and help them understand it.
A mission sure isn't easy but I'm working to help these people choose to follow Christ.
One thing I have learned lately is how important when u are married it is to have someone that also believes
the same things as you that also has the same desires that you have and that loves the church just as much
as you do. If your not married to someone that has the same desires as you it makes it pretty hard. You have to do
everything alone. I have been grateful for all of the experiences I have been having and all of the things that
I have been able to learn.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Cody's News 3/21/2011
Amber's News 3/21/2011
Brian received the Holy Ghost this week!!!! We were pretty excited for him. He said that he felt really good to recieve it.
This week we have a lot of great plans to find people to teach. We have one lady that we are teaching named Paola.
It has been kind of hard with her. I'm not exactly sure what she is looking for or wants. She says she is looking.
But she doesn't really act like it. She is kinda of cold to us but will sit and listen to everything and when we ask her
questions she answers. So we are working on finding out what her doubts are.
Wow that tremor was pretty strong this last week. It was so weird cuz the house that we were in started moving. It is a really crazy feeling. So everything started moving back and forth in a circle it lasted almost a minute. But after I felt sick. It made me all dizzy and my head hurt. After a few minutes I felt ok again. We had talked with a few people about the other earthquake and they talked about how it just throws you around and you can't even walk around. A lot of them said the best thing to do was to sit on the ground. We are doing good now there was one other tremor the next morning it wasn't as strong actually I didn't feel it cuz I was getting dress. I only knew that it was happening cuz Hna Dinsdale started yelling at me.
We had an awesome contact this week. We were walking along and I felt like I should talk to this girl. So I started talking to her and she said oh I'm busy and was going to keep on walking but I gave her one of our church cards that has a picture of Christ coming down from Heaven with all of the angels on the front. She looked at it and said can I ask U a question I said yes. She said what does this picture mean for you. So I explained that it was Christ's second coming. She asked us when it would be and we said that we didn't know but we just have to prepare ourselves for when he comes. She told us that she wanted to prepare for it and the Jehovah Witnesses were teaching her but she wanted to learn more about our church too. She said that she went to visit a friend but she wasn't there so she was walking back to her house and had the thought that God wasn't very happy with her. Then we started talking to her. She expressed that she was looking for the truth and that she had already changed a lot. We talked about how she could know what the truth was and that was through prayer. I gave her a pamphlet of the restoration and talked about the importance of having a prophet today. How important it is to get guidance from God today. How much this could bless her life. Then Hna Dinsdale pulled out a Book of Mormon and wrote her testimony in it and gave it to
her and told her that she could read this book, pray and ask God if it was true and that she would know that what we were saying was true. The spirit was really strong in this contact and she said that talking about this gave her goosebumps and that it made her really excited. So we testified of the Holy Ghost and how it was telling her that what we said was true. That was one of the best contacts. She lives in another sector and didn't want to give us her address. But I know that she will read and that one day she will be baptized!
So today I was studying about prayer. I learned that we are commanded to ask for the things that we need.
3 Ne 18:19-20, Matthew 7:7-11. When Elder Corbrige came here and taught us he talked about how a lot of people
don't know that we can ask questions in our prayers. Ever since then I have thought a lot about asking and asking questions. That is exactly what Joseph Smith did he asked questions. He asked a very specific question. Which
church is true. So on the mission we watch the restoration many times. The last few times that I was watching it I noticed that Joseph asked both of his parents how we can know what is true. They both talk about Revelation. How we can confide in God and ask him and he will give us what we need to know. I thought it was really interesting that they were teaching him about revelation and that it needs to come from God. In another part of the movie their is a preacher that says that God has given us the ability to think so we need to think for ourselves and decide what is true. Joseph finds out that you have to put forth the effort to learn you need to meditate but you have to ask God what is true. He knows what is true or not and he will guide us. Just with our own thinking we can be deceived but God will never tell us wrong. We all need revelation in our lives. We can receive this guidance daily as we pray sincerely and with real intent (meaning that we will really follow the answer) God will answer and guide us. We will be able to see his influence in our daily life. I know that we can receive this guidance through the Holy Ghost and that he is always willing to help us. It depends on us if we have his help or not. If we are praying, reading and going to church.
God does love and guide us. This last week I received an answer to my prayers through asking a question,
praying and reading in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon can answer any question, doubt or problem that
we have. There is power in the Book of Mormon and just like it says on the title page it is a history of the communications of God with his children. I know that he is has communication with his children today.
I love you all and hope you have a great week! Love Hna Moss
Hermana Moss
Chile Santiago North Mission
Forestal 2680
Pisc 3, Oficina 32, Casilla #18
Conchali, Region Metropolitana