Thursday, July 8, 2010

Amber's News 7/ 5/2010

Not much happend this week sadly we couldn't talk with a lot of our investigators. Well while Hna Papenfus went to the temple, I hooked up with other sisters for a little while but this week we are going to have a lot I'm excited. Hna Papenfus left and I have my new comp and we made it back to lamp safetly yeah. My new comp is Hermana Buckner and she is super bueno haha la Hna Bair wanted to be her companion cuz she is really good. I'm really happy with my new comp she is really great. She is from Salt Lake. Hna Bair moved from Los Andes to San Pablo and she was telling me today how she missed our companionship ah it was so fun. She only has four or five months left I can't believe it cuz when I got into the mission she had nine or ten months left.
everything here is good I'm a little nervous to direct but I know it will be just fine I know lampa pretty well. To celebrate the 4th we did nothing lol I forgot about it. Yeah I was with Elder Roth when they played soccer but really I didn't play I talked to other missionarys it was fun. Too late for the olives I already ate one and had to spit out the pit=) lol

love you

hna moss

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