Daddy, Gracious for your letter. Right now I think I'm going through a growing faze. Thank you for reminding me. Sometimes I feel bad that we don't have many people that we are teaching. But we are working hard to find people. We have achieved our 10 y 10 contactos everyday for three weeks now and an apostle promised that your baptisms would double if you did this. I'm working hard but the language is kicking my butt seriously I can never remember the words and people have a hard time understanding my accent and I have a really hard time understanding the Chilean accent. I can understand my comp and other north americans. Hna Bair said with time it will come but it's difficult. I know I have improved a lot with spanish and other people have commented that it is better so at least I know I'm improving. Thanks for all your advise and everything Dad. I love you so much and am excited to talk to you in a few weeks. Stay good k. Oh the other day I thought that I should challenge you to do a act of service for Mom today. As companions thats one thing we do to try and strengthen our relationship. bye Daddy I love you! Thank you for everything.
Mommy! I love you! Things are going well...we have a baptism this next domingo oh sorry Sunday yeah! Se llama carola her name is Carola she is super bueno. We are in the searching mode right now for people but we do have a new investigator se llama manuel. Hermana Bair and I are working hard. But today I still don't understand much of the chileans. Hna Bair says with time I will be able to understand.
Hey Aubrey's track meet sounded good and cold. lol Mommy its freezing here seriously I'm freezing to death. I mean I put those wool tights on the other day without hesitation and voy a comprar mas hoy.( I'm going to buy more today) Hna Bair told me that they only cost 6 dollars here remember in the states they were 40 bucks man and I check out Hna Bairs and they are exactly the same. Also I'm buying a fleece blanket. So in the nights I will be warm our house doesn't have heat so its pretty cold. I was asking Hna Bair how long winter was and she told me we aren't even in winter yet. Right now we are in autumn. I about died because its really cold right now. We are in the mountains. So it's even going to be colder than in Santiago. lol the other night I slept with my gloves, scarf, 3 shirts, my shorts my sweat pants my exercise pants, jacket and two pairs of socks and it was still cold but today I'm going to buy another blanket and sweater so I will be good. I hadn't spent the money for the brownies and so I'm really happy that I can use that money for warm clothes which is a little more important yeah. We are going to buy our cards today to call you but I don't know the schedule or anything yet sorry.
Love, Hermana Moss
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Cody's News 4/26/2010
Hey Dad thanks for the email things have been pretty tough this week because we have couple of people that have progressed a lot but have not made the last step that, and all the people that I have helped get baptized now are all inactive, so that has been pretty hard, thanks for the quotes, that study is interesting it makes me think when Jesus says
28 ¶ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. If you remember a yoke has two parts so that you can pull a load a lot larger than any one can pull it alone. It has been interesting to learn a little bit about the other churches like the other day I learned that the Catholic church has accepted evolution as how God created people so that was kinda weird to hear. We have transfers next monday and I don't know if I am going to leave this sector so we will find out soon
Love you
Elder Cody Moss
Well for Mothers day I think what will happen is I will go to a members house or somewhere that has a phone and call and have you call me back. I don't know what time we will be calling but don't worry too much. My clothes are fine I think I just need smaller belts. I like the Dear Elders I get 6 all at once about every 6 weeks. yep I am working away here and things are alright we have a few people that can get baptized they just need to do a few things more and they are golden. Martin really has stopped progressing because I have taught him everything and he says that he hasn't felt anything but I know he has. He just has a few problems because every Mormon that he knows does not practice what they believe so that is hard for him and he has some opposition from his family who are atheists so that is hard. I don't know if I will be leaving this sector soon so I don't know if I will be able to help him get baptized.
love you bunches
Elder Cody Moss
28 ¶ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. If you remember a yoke has two parts so that you can pull a load a lot larger than any one can pull it alone. It has been interesting to learn a little bit about the other churches like the other day I learned that the Catholic church has accepted evolution as how God created people so that was kinda weird to hear. We have transfers next monday and I don't know if I am going to leave this sector so we will find out soon
Love you
Elder Cody Moss
Well for Mothers day I think what will happen is I will go to a members house or somewhere that has a phone and call and have you call me back. I don't know what time we will be calling but don't worry too much. My clothes are fine I think I just need smaller belts. I like the Dear Elders I get 6 all at once about every 6 weeks. yep I am working away here and things are alright we have a few people that can get baptized they just need to do a few things more and they are golden. Martin really has stopped progressing because I have taught him everything and he says that he hasn't felt anything but I know he has. He just has a few problems because every Mormon that he knows does not practice what they believe so that is hard for him and he has some opposition from his family who are atheists so that is hard. I don't know if I will be leaving this sector soon so I don't know if I will be able to help him get baptized.
love you bunches
Elder Cody Moss
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Amber's News 4/ 19/2010
Hola de CHILE!
Things here are going great! My comp and I have been working really hard. I´m loving the work! Its getting really really cold here. Can you believe that Chile, freezing yah exspecially in Los Andes. The nights are really cold so we bundle up really well but the crazy thing is we are just starting to go into winter. This week a lot of people commented on my spanish and that it had improved and so I"m really happpy about that. We have a baptism for the 2 of May. Her name is Carola and she met the missionarys about 4 years ago. But she couldnt be baptized then but now she can! Also we found a guy named Mario we had a good lesson about the restuaration with him. We have another with him tonight about the plan of salvaction. We are working on finding new people right now. We talk to alot of people in the streets and all but they are never in their house when we pass by. Thanks for doing my taxes. I'm happy about the amount and Whitneys two dollars lol. No I didn't buy the brownie stuff yet. Hna Bair and I were in Santiago last week shopping they have like a million shops out there it was really neat to see it all. We had a fun time but didn't have much time to email cuz we could only find one computer. Thanks for correcting my email to Chandler the keyboards here are different to type on and learning Spanish has totally messed up my english. Yesterday I had a pretty cool expericence with Spanish I was able to understand most everything that this member was saying. Um the best thing that I have eaten hmm well they have stinking good food here. Oh I about died when I ate this thing that is really similar to a empenanda but I don't remember what it is called. But it was really good also I had another meal that had a potato and meat with juice it was really good. Oh saturday I had a super bien salad. It was half of an avocado on a salad with tuna and mayonesa. It was really really good I liked it. oh yeah I like avocados now, ha, we eat them a lot here and then there were sliced tomatoes on the side too. Some times the salad is just sliced tomatoes with sliced onions and I forgot the name of it but its a plantish thing that you put in salsa (it starts with a c I think) and thats the salad. Its really good. The milk here is in the boxes we had them before I think we got them from grandpa but when you buy them they are not refrigerated.
When we go to Santiago we ride the bus its a 1 hour and a half ride. But in our area we walk every where we have bikes but they are broken right now. When we come email or shop for food on Mondays we have to go to the centro and we take a collectivo or a taxi here. When we are in Santiago we take the subway which is super cool. The other day it was just packed with people and I told Hna Bair I was a germaphobe and she said no way and I just laughed. We have a lot of fun together. She has taught me so much. You all will like her. She is coming to visit when shes done k. She finishes her mission in December and goes to byu. Mommy really I'm doing good here I'm loving the work more and more everyday especially when I can understand and talk more it is hard but I'm getting it. I am really finding true joy in life.
Hermana Moss
Things here are going great! My comp and I have been working really hard. I´m loving the work! Its getting really really cold here. Can you believe that Chile, freezing yah exspecially in Los Andes. The nights are really cold so we bundle up really well but the crazy thing is we are just starting to go into winter. This week a lot of people commented on my spanish and that it had improved and so I"m really happpy about that. We have a baptism for the 2 of May. Her name is Carola and she met the missionarys about 4 years ago. But she couldnt be baptized then but now she can! Also we found a guy named Mario we had a good lesson about the restuaration with him. We have another with him tonight about the plan of salvaction. We are working on finding new people right now. We talk to alot of people in the streets and all but they are never in their house when we pass by. Thanks for doing my taxes. I'm happy about the amount and Whitneys two dollars lol. No I didn't buy the brownie stuff yet. Hna Bair and I were in Santiago last week shopping they have like a million shops out there it was really neat to see it all. We had a fun time but didn't have much time to email cuz we could only find one computer. Thanks for correcting my email to Chandler the keyboards here are different to type on and learning Spanish has totally messed up my english. Yesterday I had a pretty cool expericence with Spanish I was able to understand most everything that this member was saying. Um the best thing that I have eaten hmm well they have stinking good food here. Oh I about died when I ate this thing that is really similar to a empenanda but I don't remember what it is called. But it was really good also I had another meal that had a potato and meat with juice it was really good. Oh saturday I had a super bien salad. It was half of an avocado on a salad with tuna and mayonesa. It was really really good I liked it. oh yeah I like avocados now, ha, we eat them a lot here and then there were sliced tomatoes on the side too. Some times the salad is just sliced tomatoes with sliced onions and I forgot the name of it but its a plantish thing that you put in salsa (it starts with a c I think) and thats the salad. Its really good. The milk here is in the boxes we had them before I think we got them from grandpa but when you buy them they are not refrigerated.
When we go to Santiago we ride the bus its a 1 hour and a half ride. But in our area we walk every where we have bikes but they are broken right now. When we come email or shop for food on Mondays we have to go to the centro and we take a collectivo or a taxi here. When we are in Santiago we take the subway which is super cool. The other day it was just packed with people and I told Hna Bair I was a germaphobe and she said no way and I just laughed. We have a lot of fun together. She has taught me so much. You all will like her. She is coming to visit when shes done k. She finishes her mission in December and goes to byu. Mommy really I'm doing good here I'm loving the work more and more everyday especially when I can understand and talk more it is hard but I'm getting it. I am really finding true joy in life.
Hermana Moss
Cody's News 4/12/2010
Hey Ma,
Things have been going by pretty slow compared to how it was with my other companion Elder Orellana but it is still good we are finding some new people and getting to baptize a few on the 25 and the 2nd so that will be good Martin had a baptismal interview but he said that he feels like he has not felt God is real. So I am back to teaching some more. Well we have been teaching a bunch of women and one of them is crazy. Like 2 weeks ago she was like your mom misses you alot right now and then she also said some other girl that is older than me back home, but also it was crazy because she had a dream with you and this other girl and me and I pulled out me photo of the family I said you saw her (pointing to you) she said yes and that in the dream I was chubby like in the picture. So that was crazy. Then that monday you said that you were missing me a bunch so it was interesting but I still have yet to find out about the other girl in the dream. I am getting good and skinny now I have probably have lost like 25 pounds or so but I still have some chubb so I am working on that. the other day we went to a house in another part of town and we tore off the roof because the house is going to be demolished so we took off the roof so they could make a barrier between their property and the road. ya we keep teachign a bunch of women and their husbands are like rocks so we are going to start working on them.
Elder Cody Moss
Things have been going by pretty slow compared to how it was with my other companion Elder Orellana but it is still good we are finding some new people and getting to baptize a few on the 25 and the 2nd so that will be good Martin had a baptismal interview but he said that he feels like he has not felt God is real. So I am back to teaching some more. Well we have been teaching a bunch of women and one of them is crazy. Like 2 weeks ago she was like your mom misses you alot right now and then she also said some other girl that is older than me back home, but also it was crazy because she had a dream with you and this other girl and me and I pulled out me photo of the family I said you saw her (pointing to you) she said yes and that in the dream I was chubby like in the picture. So that was crazy. Then that monday you said that you were missing me a bunch so it was interesting but I still have yet to find out about the other girl in the dream. I am getting good and skinny now I have probably have lost like 25 pounds or so but I still have some chubb so I am working on that. the other day we went to a house in another part of town and we tore off the roof because the house is going to be demolished so we took off the roof so they could make a barrier between their property and the road. ya we keep teachign a bunch of women and their husbands are like rocks so we are going to start working on them.
Elder Cody Moss
Amber's News 4/ 12/2010
Hey everyone, I have to write a really fast letter today becuase Herana Bair and I are in Santiago and there is only one computer.
Thanks for all of your emails it was good to hear from you all. Sounds like you all had fun in park city! thats pretty cool and Easter looked delicious as always. Mom thanks for the brownie recipe and the money. yah! I'm super excited for them yum.
Hna Bair and I have been working hard. Right now we are looking for people to teach. I know we will find some soon. We have a baptism set for this month. Carola was taught by the missionarys 4 years ago and now wants to be baptized so we are pretty excited for that. We had transers today and Hna Bair and I are still together I am pretty excited about that because she is great.
Aubs thanks for the pictures it was really fun to see you all. Next week I can send some becuase I forgot my card today.
Well I guess I am doing the same but I walk alot. Eric hola gracious for the letter and good luck to you and Tazia selling. I can't believe it has been a year since you were married. I love you much! Whitney hey porque no escribio me ? huh? Why don't you write? email me k then I can emial you. I loved your miss conginitaly face coming up the stairs. Well I am doing really good here and working hard I love you all and will write you tonz next week! peace!
Hna Moss
Thanks for all of your emails it was good to hear from you all. Sounds like you all had fun in park city! thats pretty cool and Easter looked delicious as always. Mom thanks for the brownie recipe and the money. yah! I'm super excited for them yum.
Hna Bair and I have been working hard. Right now we are looking for people to teach. I know we will find some soon. We have a baptism set for this month. Carola was taught by the missionarys 4 years ago and now wants to be baptized so we are pretty excited for that. We had transers today and Hna Bair and I are still together I am pretty excited about that because she is great.
Aubs thanks for the pictures it was really fun to see you all. Next week I can send some becuase I forgot my card today.
Well I guess I am doing the same but I walk alot. Eric hola gracious for the letter and good luck to you and Tazia selling. I can't believe it has been a year since you were married. I love you much! Whitney hey porque no escribio me ? huh? Why don't you write? email me k then I can emial you. I loved your miss conginitaly face coming up the stairs. Well I am doing really good here and working hard I love you all and will write you tonz next week! peace!
Hna Moss
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Cody's News 4/12/2010

Hello world,
Elder Moss here to say that even though the earth is moving underneath me everything is fine in my part of the City of Talca. we are teaching and preaching and doing the things that missionaries do. My companion is Elder Bordolli he is from Argentina and he is my second Argentinan for a companion. The Spanish is coming along well and I am learning lots and it looks like it is going to be winter here soon it is starting to get cold and all the houses are made out of adobe or out of cement so it is going to be a fun time here. So this is my scripture of the week that I really like Acts 3:18-21
18. But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.
19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
20. And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:
21. Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
I really like this scripture because it explains things that have been lost and that the world does not know. Like that all the prophets have prophesied of Christ but we don't have that information in the bible and that there will be a restitution of all things which came to pass by Joseph Smith. It is a fantastic scripture.
See you soon.
Elder Moss
Monday, April 5, 2010
Ambers News 4\5\2010
Hola Mama,
¿como esta? How are you? Things here are pretty good. My sister Hermana Bair and I, we are doing well. The weather here um it's hot but I don't die. Everyone makes fun of my cloths cuz they are long sleeve and my dresses are long but I'm O.K. with it cuz in winter I hear it gets really really cold. I can deal with the heat but the cold is harder. OH I missed girls night that is ok Hemana Bair and I had our own girls night. Yeah we did. We do what we do everyday track lol actually we taught Gorge the plan of salvation and he has a date for baptism now. So that is great. Oh did you do my taxes? I hope you all had a good time for easter. It was good here but it was just like anyother day here. NO we don't have a stove, sad huh we have a stove top thingish we have to hook the gas up to it to start it. It is kind of like the camping ones. We have a water heater thing that is hooked to our tub and we also use the gas with this so when we take showers we have to turn on the gas and light the thing inside the box and then we will have hot water. I don't remember if I told you that we do not knock on doors cuz they all are fenced so we stand at the gate and say halo and then they come out. One thing that was really neat for me this week was on wednesday in the morning I felt that we should visit a member so I told Hermana Bair and so later in the day we did and her daughter that is not a member came to the door and said her mom was not feeling well. Not like sick but she did not want to see anyone. Hna Bair said my companion felt today that we should come visit your mom is there anything that we can do? She said no but maybe this was an experience for her daughter I do not know but it was really neat for me.
Hola Papa,
Oh man, Hna Bair and I just died. I asked her if she was related to Elmer Bair and she said she was that he was her great grandpa and that Evan Bair is her grandpa. Oh man this is crazy that we are related. LOL Hermana Bair said she is going to tell everyone that she has a brother that survived the terremoto. This is so bakan(cool) because Hermana Bair and I really are like sisters. We have not had any problems yet..LOL. We are working hard but our mission is more of a hunting mission and Cody's is more of a fishing mission especially now with the earthquake. In my area there is not any damage or anything. But we are working hard just the same and I´m learning so much every day. It is really hard work but I'm getting better and better every day. I'm jealous of your Easter dinner yesterday. But the other day I had something like an empenada and I almost died it was sooo good. Wow conference was amazing yeah? I loved David A Bednars talk it was soo good. Tell grandmother and grandfather I said holla! Y que mi espaƱol es mucho mejor ahora. and that my spanish is much better. pero no intiendo much do los chileanos. but I do not understand much of the chileans. ellos hablo muy rapido. They speak really fast and mumble and leave out letters in words but it is coming! This week for conference I invited people to write down preguntas ellos tienen en sus vidas ahora. Questions they had in their lives now and that in conference they would be answered. Samantha a new member of 3 months did this and had her questions answered it was awesome becuase she is 16 oh man I love her she is hilarious .
Your favorite Hermona,
¿como esta? How are you? Things here are pretty good. My sister Hermana Bair and I, we are doing well. The weather here um it's hot but I don't die. Everyone makes fun of my cloths cuz they are long sleeve and my dresses are long but I'm O.K. with it cuz in winter I hear it gets really really cold. I can deal with the heat but the cold is harder. OH I missed girls night that is ok Hemana Bair and I had our own girls night. Yeah we did. We do what we do everyday track lol actually we taught Gorge the plan of salvation and he has a date for baptism now. So that is great. Oh did you do my taxes? I hope you all had a good time for easter. It was good here but it was just like anyother day here. NO we don't have a stove, sad huh we have a stove top thingish we have to hook the gas up to it to start it. It is kind of like the camping ones. We have a water heater thing that is hooked to our tub and we also use the gas with this so when we take showers we have to turn on the gas and light the thing inside the box and then we will have hot water. I don't remember if I told you that we do not knock on doors cuz they all are fenced so we stand at the gate and say halo and then they come out. One thing that was really neat for me this week was on wednesday in the morning I felt that we should visit a member so I told Hermana Bair and so later in the day we did and her daughter that is not a member came to the door and said her mom was not feeling well. Not like sick but she did not want to see anyone. Hna Bair said my companion felt today that we should come visit your mom is there anything that we can do? She said no but maybe this was an experience for her daughter I do not know but it was really neat for me.
Hola Papa,
Oh man, Hna Bair and I just died. I asked her if she was related to Elmer Bair and she said she was that he was her great grandpa and that Evan Bair is her grandpa. Oh man this is crazy that we are related. LOL Hermana Bair said she is going to tell everyone that she has a brother that survived the terremoto. This is so bakan(cool) because Hermana Bair and I really are like sisters. We have not had any problems yet..LOL. We are working hard but our mission is more of a hunting mission and Cody's is more of a fishing mission especially now with the earthquake. In my area there is not any damage or anything. But we are working hard just the same and I´m learning so much every day. It is really hard work but I'm getting better and better every day. I'm jealous of your Easter dinner yesterday. But the other day I had something like an empenada and I almost died it was sooo good. Wow conference was amazing yeah? I loved David A Bednars talk it was soo good. Tell grandmother and grandfather I said holla! Y que mi espaƱol es mucho mejor ahora. and that my spanish is much better. pero no intiendo much do los chileanos. but I do not understand much of the chileans. ellos hablo muy rapido. They speak really fast and mumble and leave out letters in words but it is coming! This week for conference I invited people to write down preguntas ellos tienen en sus vidas ahora. Questions they had in their lives now and that in conference they would be answered. Samantha a new member of 3 months did this and had her questions answered it was awesome becuase she is 16 oh man I love her she is hilarious .
Your favorite Hermona,
Cody's News 4/5/2010
"Hello everyone that reads this I am not sure how many of there you are but, things are good here I am alive after the earthquake and things are back to normal. General Conference was pretty good wasn't it? I especially enjoyed the talk of President Monson on Sunday afternoon when he said "you cannot deny the existence of a grand designer" it is true if you look at the organization of the universe everything has its place and is in order. Things are good, I am working hard and teaching the "Palabra" (word) of God. We are finding good people to teach. My companion is from Argentina like my first and he is good, he is from a place called Necochea which is in the center of Argentina. Pray for us that we can find the people that are ready for this gospel and that we can teach them with the Holy Ghost. Pray that we can have success. Thank you every one
Elder Moss
Elder Moss
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