Hey everyone,
Thanksgiving was pretty awesome. Lol it was really weird because it was hot and we bought a chicken not turkey. But it was fun. We had intercambios with the hnas so they came over and ate with us. After we worked and Hna Mera and I found a new person to teach his name is Felipe. This week we also have two people that are prepared to be baptized this next Sunday. They are Ricardo and Emelin. We are really excited for them.
Hey Carlos and Silivia have a date to be married this Saturday. Ah my first wedding. Bueno Silvia is a member but Carlso no. So with them they couldn't find a date to be married until march or april (I know everyone in the country is getting married right). But we prayed and kept looking and finally they found one that someone had not confirmed and so they are going to be married the 4th at 9 in the night. They are both really old so it's not going to be to crazy or anything. Then Carlos is going to be baptized the 12th of Dec. All is going well. The Church is true.
Love, Hna Moss
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